Tuesday, November 30, 2010

this chick makes me tick

what a nice long break, wouldn't you agree? My posts (lack there of) reflect it. That's right, I took a long, hard hiatus from everything social media-esque..well, sort of. Twitter and Facebook are kind of a must. Too easy. Apps for smart phones are really a terrible idea because of it...

As I always do before I go to bed, I surf the blog world for inspiration and one that I keep coming back to is miss Bri Emery of DesignLoveFest. Love her. Totally someone I aspire to be someday. Not only is she sweet as sugar cane, but her style is funk-a-licious (stripes, lace, red lips, tats and a huge red bow?..come on) Not to mention, a killer graphic designer. She also is an obsessor of typography like me AND only 24 years young, like me! Yeah, you could say she got it together.

One of her most recent works has been with RUE, an online interior and lifestyle magazine, which I've been following ever since it launched. She serves as the Art Director, of course. Talent is in no way wasted there! Check out their Holiday issue. It's only their second issue and I absolutely love everything they are doing. Chock-full of gorgeous photography and whimsical word/visual pairings. My ideal career scenario without a doubt... something about working with all kinds of different creatives under one roof that make your career so much more like a playground.

My favorite Rue Issue Two feature, mitts down, would have to be Jingle Girl Rock and the cute little vid called "Ribbons" documenting the shoot (shot at the Elvis Honeymoon Hideaway) to go along with. How..much fun...are these gals having? Nashville meets groovesters kind of Christmas. That's it. I'm mimicking. Now all I need is a cobblestone wall, a few choice friends and a good-looking DJ...preferably a scratcher of thee records. Know of any?

Chums, LZ
Bri, consider your fanciful footsteps followed :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

poppycock, coffee talk

Poppycock, not really. It was actually quite insightful, as all conversations in coffee shops are supposed to be right? My friend and ex-classmate Alex had a brilliant idea that we try to get together once a week to discuss our understandings of the book "Mere Christianity" by da man, C.S. Lewis. Alex is kicking my butt in word consumption (nerd) but so far, so great. I am so grateful to have somebody that's so on fire about the topic right now. It's exactly what I need.

I tease with him that he's my accountant, because he literally is. He keeps me accountable on many levels, both creatively and spiritually. We share similar passions in all things design and music related (he's a designer *check out his Haiti work* and musician) but I love how we are able to relate to each other on this spiritual level as well. Just one God-loving fella, inspiring me in more ways than one. The honesty is there and I know that these accounting "sessions" will challenge us to be better human beings.

I love coffee dates with friends. Especially ones where they let me take their picture and not label it creepy... because, it kind of is. Whatever. He understands artsy attempts..

I call it "hand on miniature coffee"

Here's to accountability..and an un-manic Monday!
Cheerio, LZ

Thursday, November 18, 2010

carry on, cherry bomb

It's that kind of feeling again. Freedom. And boy does it feel good. Two songs that I started the day off with were "Dear Prudence" by The Beatles and Snow Patrol's "Just Say Yes" and both are great at bringing on your own kind of revolution from within. The timing has been perfect. With a couple co-workers, friends and a few family members getting a renewed path of their own and with it being so close to the holidays, I feel excitement..

It's almost as if your eyes have been closed for an extensive amount of time only to be opened to a few thousand Picasso's and Caravaggio's alike at lens reach. No one or anything holding you back... not even the stuffy curator.

So carry on with your bad self...creating real relationships and experiences. Feels gooood doesn't it?

  a blog project following creatives in the city...from behind. 
a personal fav > downtown from behind

Saturday, November 13, 2010

ed hardy har har

long time, no post I know. I apologize, but trust me, a break was much needed. All I'm going to say is beware of guys who run out on your love in little Ed Hardy undies. You think you know someone, but surprisingly you don't. Life is loco, and unfortunately, so are some people. The upside of this little "freak" accident is that your true friends and family are right there, backing you up (and bonus!..you get the last laugh). You realize who the most important people are in your life - and who, not so much.

I'm not one to really dote on drama, so I progress - as anyone in these types of situations should. Pick up and move on. Because that's more than they will ever do...gracefully.

On with life...and love! Because there's too much of that good stuff to go to waste. Am I right?

Heart you all,

Monday, November 8, 2010

"tylenol pm" kind of nights

so the past couple days/nights have been a little bit of a blur, but I have AMAZING friends and family that have kept me afloat so I thank all of you for that. Please bear with me as I try to get through this tylenol- PM-coma of a phase. Promise I'll be back in full force with more random bits and inspiration here in a jiff.

Definitely a song I'm feeling at the moment thanks to a good friend >> http://hypem.com/track/1227013/Bedouin+Soundclash+-+Brutal+Hearts+ft+Coeur+de+Pirate (just press play to the right of the title) Song speaks to me so much. (ahhh sweet french vocals and reggae beats)

Thanks for the support...love you all!

Off I am to face-plant,

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

pumpkin yumkin

Soooo I have these pumpkins out front on my patio, just staring at each other, unseen by passersby (second floor I reside) and they really seem to be serving no decorative purpose since I kind of missed out on the carving this year (there's a bunch of fall festivity scrooges around here!) so I think it's their time. I have one large plump guy that is just asking to be made into something scrumptious and fat-transferred and well, the other is oddly small with an awkward stem --some grinch of a boyfriend refused to take it, my gift to him--"the neighborhood kids might get a hold of it and smash it up against my house!"

I think it's just because it might be cuter than him.

Anyways, I've been digging into some different pumpkin recipes and came across this one and absolutely swooned in a spoon. I came across it on one of my favorite blogs, A Cup of Jo just yesterday. Now I know my mom is probably thinking, but Lindsay, this recipe doesn't call for any pumpkin mush? You're right momma, strictly pumpkin puree. No substitutions.

Eh, I'll find a use for those misfit pumpkins yet.

get the recipe > HERE courtesy of A Merry Mishap

Right now, it's pumpkin and chocolate chip cookie time! I cleaned out my ingredient cupboard tonight and found myself sampling half of it in preparation.

I hope everyone is getting some baking in this season, whether with something traditional or something wacky-out-side-of-this-world creative. I know three-fifths of my family back home is probably getting their bake on. Probably prancing around in their matching aprons too..

Please feel free to share some of your favorite fall treat-skis!

Happy non-burnt baking,